Central Bank Digital Currency and the Future of Payment and Settlement Systems – Remarks at the Future of Payments Forum by AMAMIYA Masayoshi – Deputy Governor of the Bank of Japan

Introduction to FinTech
The major areas in FinTech, includingMoney and Payment,Digital Finance and Alternative Finance
Major technological trends, including cryptocurrencies, Blockchain, AI and Big Data

FinTech Ethics and Risks
Learn how individuals and organizations can utilize and regulate blockchain, AI, and other FinTech solutions to ensure their adoption does not come at the expense of societal growth.

Hyperledger Sawtooth for Application Developers
Blockchain concepts: blockchain structure and process flow, transactions, blocks, hashes and signing, permissions, and consensus algorithms
Hyperledger Sawtooth basics
Principles of application design and development for the Hyperledger Sawtooth platform
Create a full-featured Hyperledger Sawtooth blockchain application, using the included Sawtooth Simple Supply application
Run and troubleshoot an application

Becoming a Hyperledger Aries Developer
Understand the Hyperledger Aries architecture and its components.Discuss the DIDComm protocol for peer-to-peer messages.Deploy instances of Aries agents and establish a connection between two or more Aries agents.Create from scratch or extend Aries agents to add business logic.Understand the possibilities available through the implementation of Aries agents.

Blockchain and FinTech: Basics, Applications, and Limitations
Understand the design rationale of blockchain technology, its emerging platforms and applications and uncover the limitations and the opportunities enabled by blockchain applications, particularly as it relates to finance.

Introduction to Hyperledger Sovereign Identity Blockchain Solutions: Indy, Aries & Ursa
What you’ll learn? The problems with existing Internet identity/trust mechanisms today.How a distributed ledger, such as Hyperledger Indy, can be used for identity.How the underlying blockchain technology makes it possible.Understand the purpose, scope and relationship between Aries, Indy and Ursa.The possibilities enabled by this new technology.

Introduction to Hyperledger Blockchain Technologies
A primer to blockchain, distributed ledgers and Hyperledger technologies.

Blockchain: Understanding Its Uses and Implications – Chapter 4. Blockchain Use Cases
Blockchain technology is changing how business is executed. It’s important to understand why blockchain is different and how it works in comparison with technologies of the past.