ConsenSys Health Launches Global STOP COVID-19 Ethereum Hackathon. Total prize will be $10,000, $7,000, $3,000 for first to third place.

Status of Bitcoin and Derivatives Exchanges in March 2020
Bitcoin price a big crash in 12nd March 2020 during COVID-19 period. This is a summary for the current statues of exchanges in BTC and derivatives markets.

Issue Your Own Token – Ethereum for Beginners
In this tutorial, we teach you how to issue your own cryptocurrency with some simple click. You can also learn how to do it through writing smart contract.

IBM,WHO incorporate with Mipasa to Use Blockchain to Against COVID-19
Tech giants include IBM,Microsoft,Oracle and Organizations include WHO,CDCs… etc Support Mipasa to Use Blockchain to Against COVID-19.

China National Blockchain BSN Will Be Public around April 15
October 15, 2019, China start to test it’s National blockchain, Blockchain-based Service Network (BSN). After 6 months test, BSN will be public around April 15. BSN is a permission blockchain lead by China State Information Center with funding members include founding members including China Mobile, China UnionPay and Red Date Tech.

Blockchain Financing, Themes The Year Ahead
Summary from “The Blockchain Report 2020” By CB Insight.

IPFS for Beginners – Storing Data in a Distributed Hash Table
If you have ever deploy your program on AWS, you may have experience to deploy your code on the EC2 VM. When you store all your data on the same VM, you may find your disc get full very quickly. It cost you a lot for your AWS fee. What most developer will do is to store data in another service called S3.
Are there any decentralized data system? The answer is yes. The most famous one is InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) Its an improvement of BitTorrent.

Ethereum Dapp for Beginners – Full Stack Hello World Voting Ethereum Dapp Tutorial
In these lectures, you will learn some basic ideas why we need smart contract system.
And we can learn how can we build a Full Stack Hello World Voting Ethereum Dapp.

Some members in Libra Association join the Celo Alliance
On March 11,2020, the Celo Foundation announced fifty founding members of the Celo Alliance for Prosperity. Some members in Libra Association join the Celo Alliance